Starting ASP.NET5 on Linux, Part 1

Future is looking bright. Options, options and more options. After seeing a few presentations on the new ASP.NET platform, I have to say it looks a lot like Node.js - it certainly took a lot of inspiration from it! First...

Every object is a snowflake

Messing around with a very simple game project where I have a set of lights that can be toggled and the team that gets them all on or off wins. So I started implementing a GameLights manager class and a...

Collections are fun, even when testing

I’m doing a little hobby project to test out the ESP8266 chip and Espruino and decided to use TDD to get the hang of it. In one of the tests, I needed to check if all values of an array...

Creating a github user blog

Finally decided to start a code blog. After a quick search, decided to use GitHub and Jekyll to create it. Should have headed straight to the GitHub Pages website to find out how to set it up, but instead started...